vendredi 9 octobre 2015

I had this nightmare

Hello hello!
I'm afraid of zombies. I mean, a lot. So it's very frequently that they appear in my nightmares, and the other night I had one, which actually ended.
Here it is (in french);

Bonjour bonjour!
Bon j'ai peur des zombies. Je veux dire, vraiment beaucoup. C'est donc assez fréquent qu'ils apparaissent dans mes cauchemars, et l'autre nuit j'en ai fait un qui s'est terminé.
Donc voilà;

2 commentaires:

  1. There's a very interesting idea in this (lovely drawn) comic: Almost benevolent but also very sick and feeble
    zombies, adding nothing to society are seen as 4th grade citizens and systematically being swept off the streets.
    You could even make an analogy with current asylum-seekers. Please work this out further, if not, i'll steal it from you! mwuhahaha >:D

  2. Haha, thanks! Be my guest, take the idea ;)
